Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1180 Raymond Blvd - An Introduction

I have lived at 1180 Raymond Blvd., Newark, New Jersey (NJ) now for several months and have blogged extensively about the building on my regular identity blog since having first moved in but felt that I should have a blog dedicated to 1180 as it is a major fixture in downtown Newark. This could be a useful clearing house for information about the building.

Since moving in we have had both good and bad experiences with 1180. We love the building and we have great neighbours and great access both to New York City as well as New Jersey but we have also had a lot of hassles and bad faith from the building's management both locally and the management company in general. The situation has made us very torn between loving and hating our home. The good is great and the bad is pretty bad.

1 comment:

purethoughts said...

I recently moved out of the building. Problems with management and their arrogant, unflexible position at the time of my renewal. They are withholding my security deposit without giving an explanation. I wonder if you have any updates since I see you posted this in 2007, the year I moved in.